Monthly Archives: April 2010

O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010 Keynote Vidoes

For those of us who were not able to attend this years Mysql Conference in Santa Clara, CA, the keynote videos have been posted online for your viewing pleasure!


Here is a link to another location (Youtube), that has some more of the videos from the Mysql Conference, including the one given on Oracle to Mysql migration given by NPR’s own Joanne Garlow.

Raid Controller Caching Options

Here is a quick link to a blog post that talks about RAID caching for various database workloads.  The post also lists some of the popular RAID cards that are being put into use today, as well as  some interesting features that the author feels are missing from these current lineup of available RAID cards.

NPR developer talk at O’Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2010

Joanne Garlow one of the Senior developers here at NPR , will be giving a talk this Tuesday at the 2010 O’Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo in Santa Clara, CA.  The talk is entitled ‘Migration from Oracle to Mysql : An NPR Case Study’ and will focus on some of the ‘lessons learned’ during our recent Oracle to Mysql migration, it will also cover some of the tools that we found useful during the migration as well as some of the issues we encountered concerning character encoding and concurrency.

If you are thinking about converting your backend databases from Oracle to Mysql and you are attending this conference, you should attend this talk, as I am sure it will be very informative and quite helpful to you going forward.

Mysql slow log parsing with Maatkit

One of the tools that is included with Maatkit is called ‘mk-query-digest’.  If you have Mysql slow logging enabled, this perl script can me used to examine these entries, and provide a very useful and user friendly report that will help you understand the queries that are exceeding your current slow log threshold. You can then take the results and determine whether or not you have opportunity to do some schema and/or query optimization.

In order to get the ball rolling all you need to do is execute the following command:

‘perl /path/to/mk-query-digest /path/to/slow.log’

Once you do you will be presented with a report similar to the following:

# 200ms user time, 10ms system time, 9.59M rss, 11.17M vsz
# Overall: 199 total, 8 unique, 0.92 QPS, 3.44x concurrency ______________
#                    total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
# Exec time           745s      1s     15s      4s      9s      3s      3s
# Lock time            4ms       0   159us    21us    66us    18us    16us
# Rows sent         16.35M       0 381.59k  84.16k 298.06k  81.83k  76.03k
# Rows exam         16.35M       0 381.59k  84.16k 298.06k  81.83k  76.03k
# Time range        2010-03-04 18:32:44 to 2010-03-04 18:36:21
# bytes             55.53k       6   7.67k  285.75  313.99  519.23  271.23

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