Upgrading Ceph from Firefly to Hammer

Last week we decided to upgrade our 13 node Ceph cluster from version 0.80.11 (firefly) to version 0.94.6 (hammer).

Although we have not been having any known issues with the cluster running firefly, the official support for firefly ended in January 2016, and the jewel release will be out soon and it will be easier to upgrade to jewel from either hammer or infernalis.

The overall upgrade process was relatively painless. I used the ceph-deploy script to create the cluster initially, and I choose to use it again to upgrade the cluster to hammer.

1) First I pull in the current config file and keys:
root@admin:/ceph-deploy# ceph-deploy config pull mon1
root@admin:/ceph-deploy# ceph-deploy gatherkeys mon1

2) Next we upgrade each of the mon daemons:
root@admin:/ceph-deploy# ceph-deploy install --release hammer mon1 mon2 mon3

3) Now we can restart the daemons on each mon server
root@mon1:~# stop ceph-mon-all
root@mon1:~# start ceph-mon-all

4) Next it’s time to upgrade the osd server daemons:
root@admin:/ceph-deploy# ceph-deploy install --release hammer osd1 osd2 osd3 osd4

5) Now we can restart the daemons on each of the osd servers:
root@osd4:~# stop ceph-osd-all
root@osd4:~# start ceph-osd-all

6) Finally you can upgrade any client server daemons that you have:
root@admin:/ceph-deploy# ceph-deploy install --release hammer clientserver1

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